Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the 4A Change Model Learning Program!

    • Message from the Founder (creator of the 4A Change Model)

    • History of Change Management

    • Before we begin...

  • 2

    Introduction and Overview

    • Introduction to Change Management and the 4A Model

    • People & Culture in Change Management

    • People & Culture: Test your Learning

  • 3

    First A: Align

    • Align: Principles and tools

    • Align: Test your learning

  • 4

    Second A: Apply

    • Apply: Principles and tools

    • Apply: Test your learning

  • 5

    Third A: Accelerate

    • Accelerate: Principles and tools

    • Accelerate: Test your learning

  • 6

    Last A: Assimilate

    • Assimilate: Principles and Tools

    • Assimilate: Test your learning

  • 7

    Next steps

    • Resource: 4A Learning Guide

    • Conclusion: Recap of the 4A course

    • Before you go...

    • Congrats! Here's what's next...